부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 3-19, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22

그대로 그렇게 2018. 11. 5. 17:06


이와같이     인간세상          슬피여기사      오는세상

Like this, he(she) feels pity for the human world,    


부 처 님     되실것이니     온갖고통       없애주는

so, he(she) will become a Buddha for the next world to remove all the pain.    


관음보살께                                       목숨다해                지심으로                       절하옵니다

We make a bow to Kwan Sae Eum Bodhisattva  with all our life, with whole our heart.





세자재왕                                            스승삼은                법장비구는                           세상사람

㉡Dharmakāra bhiksu who made ㉠Sae-Ja-Jae-Wang as his teacher received all offering from people of the world


모든공양         받으시옵고                한량없는     오랜겁을

and he cultivated and conducted for limitless long ㉢kalpa,


닦고행하여                        높은진리     바른깨침                        이루시었네

so, he achieved  high truth and correct enlightenment.




㉠Sae-Ja-Jae-Wang : Name of one of Buddha. 54th Buddha.

㉡Dharmakāra : Amitābha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmakāra

㉢Kalpa (Sanskrit: कल्प kalpa) is a Sanskrit word meaning a relatively long period of time (by human calculation) in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology.





관음보살                           대자비의             거룩한스승          아미타불

Kwan-Eum Bodhisattva's   great mercy and  holy teacher,     ㉠Amitābha Buddha,


왼쪽이나               오른쪽서서     아미타불             도우시며

he(she) stands on Amitābha's left or right side, helps him,     


여환삼매로                          온갖국토                 부처님을     공양하시네

and offers to every country's Buddha with ㉡Yeohwan Sammae.



㉠Amitābha : Amitābha[2] (

Sanskrit pronunciation:

[əmiˈt̪aːbʱə]), also known as Amida or Amitāyus, is a celestial buddha according to the scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism

㉡Yeohwan Sammae : Samadhi of realization of illusion: Samadhi attained through realization of the truth that all the phenomena in the universe are but the manifestation of illusion.




서 방 에          극락이란                정토있나니                 그곳에는

There is a pure land called Sukhavati in the West,        at that place, 


중생들의       인도자이신     아 미 타        부처님이

mankind's    leader           Amitābha      Buddha is


설법하시며     모든중생                                   구원하며     살고계시네

preaching       to all the mankinds(sattivas)    and rescues   them   and lives there.


㉠Sukhāvatī, or the Western Paradise, refers to the western pure land of Amitābha in Mahayana Buddhism.