부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10

그대로 그렇게 2018. 10. 30. 11:24


감옥속에      갇혀버린       죄인이되어             손과발이  

If you become a sinner trapped in a prison, and your hands and feet are tied on the torture rack,


형틀에           묶였더라도     관세음을              생각하고

if you thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum  and call his(her) name out loud,


크게부른           그힘으로          저절로               그것들이

then those things would be released freely by themselves   


시원스레    풀려나서          몸과마음              편안하리라

and your body and mind would get comfortable by that force.





저주와주문            독약으로       몸을해치려         할때에도

When someone is trying to harm your body with a curse, spell and poison,


관세음을             생각하고             크게부른             그힘으로

If you are thinking about Kwan-Sae-Eum and call his(her) name out loud   


도리어                 해독이                  본인에게                돌아가리라

then on the contrary, those harm and poison  would go back to himself(herself)  by that force.






악한나찰                  독룡들과                 여러귀신             만날지라도

Even if you meet a villain ㉠rakshasa,    poison dragons  and several ghosts    


관세음을             생각하고            크게부른             그힘으로

if you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum and call his(her)  name out loud,  by that force,


모 두 들       해 치 지     못 하 고      물러가리라

All of them can't hurt you and will go back.


㉠A Rakshasa (Sanskrit: राक्षस, rākṣasa) is a mythological being in Hindu mythology. As this mythology influenced other religions, the rakshasa was later incorporated into Buddhism.






사 나 운       짐승들이     떼를지어     몰려와서

If ferocious    beasts     flocks        come in to you and


날카로운     이 빨 과     발 톱 이        무섭더라도

even if their sharp teeth and claws  seem to scary,


관세음을             생각하고             크게부른            그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum   and call his(her) name out loud, by that force,


사방으로               뿔 뿔 이           달아나고      물러가며

they will be run away and step backward to all directions.



독 사 와     살모사와     무 서 운         독충들이

If viper ,  snake        and scary      venomous insects


독한기운                불꽃처럼         몸안에서             뿜을지라도

spurt poisonous fumes    like a flame    from their body      


관세음을              생각하고             크게부른           그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum and call his(her) name out loud, by that force,  


소리듣고                      스 스 로         피 해 서     물러가리라

they will go back after listening that sounds for themselves.