부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 3-23, 3-24, 3-25

그대로 그렇게 2018. 11. 7. 18:03


극락세계                     그곳에는         남녀간의     정욕없나니

There is  no sexual desires between men and women in Sukhavati world, 


불자들은     아름다운     서방정토               화생하여서

so buddhists  should be born in beautiful West pure land


맑 고 도      깨끗하온       연화대에                     앉게되도다

and be seated on ㉠Yeonhwadae which is pure and clear.     



Yeonhwadae : The Place where the Buddha or Bodhisattva sits.




거룩하온     아미타불     부처님께선     깨끗하고

Holy           Amitābha     Buddha is   on   ㉡Sa-Ja-Jwa which is 


영 묘 한               연꽃봉오리     사 자 좌             높은곳에

clean and spiritous   lotus bud  and sits on high place,


앉아계시니     샤 알 라     나무처럼     빛나시도다

he shines like a ㉢Shala tree.


㉡Sa-Ja-Jwa : The place where the Buddha sits.

㉢Shala tree : ???




또한다시    이세계의         스승께서는     삼계에선

Also again, this world's   teachers  are not really comparable in the ㉣Trailokya,


비 할 데           본래없으니          나도이제     그공덕장

so I, now then, will praise that charity 


찬미하옵고     어서빨리       거룩하고     자비하신

and I will quickly become a highest virtue person


관세음처럼                           가장높은     공덕인이     되려합니다

just like holy and merciful Kwan-Sae-Eum.     


㉣Trailokya (Sanskrit: त्रैलोक्य; Pali: tiloka, Wylie: khams gsum) has been translated as "three worlds,"[1][2][3][4][5] "three spheres,"[3] "three planes of existence,"[6] "three realms"[6] and "three regions."[4] These three worlds are identified in Hinduism and appear in early Buddhist texts.