부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 3-11, 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-15

그대로 그렇게 2018. 10. 31. 12:38


검은구름           모여들어     천둥일고                 번개치면서

Even if black clouds are gathered and thundered with lightening,


우 박 과     소나기가          쏟 아 져                  퍼붓더라도

 and hail and shower rain are poured,  


관세음을               생각하고          크게부른           그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum and call his(her) name out loud,   by that force


즉 시 에          먹구름이        걷 히 고     흩어지리라

the black clouds will be immediately cleared away.




중생들이                            어 려 운          곤액을만나       한량없는

Even though mankinds(Sattivas) have difficult  hardships and limitless sufferings,


괴로움을     받을지라도       관세음의                 미묘하신

the human world's all kinds of pain will be extinct 


지 혜 의     그힘으로            인간세상                 온갖고통

and they will be saved to comfortable and happy


소멸하여              편안하고          행복하게           구원하리라

by Kwan-Sae-Eum's  delicate wisdom and by that force 



신통력도                    갖추시고     지혜방편                      널리닦아

Kwan-Sae-Eum has supernatural power, performs wisdom and methods broadly,


시방세계                          모든국토     여러몸을             나투시니

changes into multiple bodies for the ten direction world and whole land,


가지가지     악한길에             지옥아귀                      축생들의

and removes all the pain of hell, starving ghosts and animal's evil way


나고늙고     병 들 고     죽는모든                 고통들을

and the pain of born, old     sick  and dying


관세음은               차츰차츰       모 두 다     없애느니라





진 실 한      관찰이며           맑 고 도     깨 끗 한

It is a true           observation,       clear        and clean


관찰이며          넓고크신           지혜로써          관찰하심과

observation,    observation with broad and big wisdom,


가 엾 이     관찰함과          인자하게         관찰함을

merciful     observation   and  benevolent     observation.


언 제 나        항상원하고        우 러 러         볼지니라

So, we have to want, look up and admire him(her) all the time.




때 없 이         청정한빛       지혜의태양                모든어둠

He(She) is pure light at any time and the sun of wisdom,  


몰아내고     능히재앙의              바 람 과     물과불을

eliminates all the darkness,  brings disaster's winds, water and fire into submission,


굴복시키고                             이세상을        넓고밝게              비추느니라

And illuminates this world wide and brightly.