부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6

그대로 그렇게 2018. 10. 26. 17:10


가령어떤   사 람 이      해치려는     생각으로

If  someone    is intended to thinking about to harm you,


활활타는       불구덩에   떠밀어서      떨어뜨려도

And even if someone is pushing you into a roaring fire


관세음을            생각하고            크게부른           그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum and call out loud his(her) name,


불구덩이   변하여서   깨 끗 한    연못된다

The fire would become a clear pond by that force.


만일넓은         바다에서   표류되어      흘러가다

If you are drifted in a wide sea,


용과귀신                 물고기의    무 서 운      난을만나도

And even if you encounter some difficulties like a horrible dragon, ghost or fish,


관세음을            생각하고               크게부른            그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum   and call out loud his(her) name,


성난파도  속에서도              죽지않고          무사하리라

You would be safe from the raging waves without dying by that force.






혹은수미산             봉우리에서         사람에게         떠 밀 려

 Or if you are pushed by a person from the peak of ㉠Mount Meru  


떨어진대도           관세음을              생각하고             크게부른

and during falling away,  if you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum   and call his(her) name out loud  


그힘으로         해와같이         허공중에      머무르며

You would stay in the air like the sun by that force,


흉 악 한      악인에게      쫓기어서       금 강 산

If you are chased by a wicked villain   and fall away from a steep valley in Mount Keum Kang


험한골짝        떨어져도                관세음을              생각하고

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum and call out loud his(her) name,   


크게부른            그힘으로        털끝하나                         안다치리라

You wouldn't be hurt even if one hair  by that force.


㉠Mount Meru (Sanskrit: मेरु, Tibetan: ཪི་རྒྱལ་པོ་རི་རབ་, Sumeru, Sineru or Mahameru) is the sacred five-peaked mountain of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist cosmology and is considered to be the center of all the physical, metaphysical and spiritual universes.[1]






혹은원한의    도적을만나         칼을들고                해치려해도

Or even if you meet a grudge rogue who is holding a sword and he try to harm you   


관세음을              생각하고               크게부른              그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum  and call his(her) name out loud,   


도적들이   마음돌려              자비심을               일으키며

The thieves  would   turn their minds  and then a merciful heart would be arisin in their minds by that force







나라법에                  잘못걸려      형벌받아          죽게되도

Even If you are caught by the country law and will be punished to be died


관세음을             생각하고              크게부른            그힘으로

If you are thinking of Kwan-Sae-Eum  and call his(her) name out loud,   


칼과창이              조각조각      끊어지고      부서지리라

the sword and spear would get cut, broken and shattered by that force.