부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 2-10, 2-11

그대로 그렇게 2018. 10. 22. 16:25


 무진의보살이 부처님께 여쭈었다.

 『세존이시여, 제가 이제 관세음보살께 공양하겠나이다.』하고 목에 걸었던 백천 냥이나 되는 보배구슬과 영락으로 된 목걸이를 끌러 바치며 이렇게 말하였다.

 Moo-Jin-Ui asked to Buddha.

『Oh Sae-Jon, I'm going to serve this to Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva now.』and he unhooked his hundred thousand's cost necklace gemmed with treasure beads and young-lak(??? maybe precious metals or precious stones).



 『어지신 분이시여, 이 법답게 보시하는 보배구슬과 영락으로 된 목걸이를 받아 주옵소서. 』

 『Benign you, please get this legaly giving necklace gemmed with treasure beads and younglak.』



이때, 관세음보살께서 이를 받으려 하지 않으므로 무진의보살은 다시 관세음보살께 말하였다.

At this time, Moo-Jin-Ui said to Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva because Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva tried not to get this.



 『어지신 분이시여, 저희들을 불쌍히 여기시어 이 영락을 받으소서.』

 『Benign you, have mercy on us and please get this younglak. 』



 이때, 부처님께서는 관세음보살에게 말씀하시었다.

『이 무진의보살과 사부대중과 하늘 · 용 · 야차 · 건달바 · 아수라 · 가루라 · 긴나라 · 마후라가 · 사람과 사람 아닌 이들을 불쌍히 여겨 그 영락을 받으라. 』

 At this time, Buddha said to Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva.

 『Have mercy on this Moo-Jin-Ui Bodhisattva, public master, sky(㉠deva) · dragon(㉡naga) · ㉢yaksha · ㉣gandharva · ㉤asuras · ㉥garuda · ㉦kinnara · ㉧mahoraga and people and not people, please get that younglak. 』



㉠Deva (/ˈdvə/; Sanskrit: देव, Deva) means "heavenly, divine, anything of excellence", and is also one of the terms for a deity in Hinduism.[1] Deva is a masculine term; the feminine equivalent is Devi.


㉡Naga (IAST: nāga; Devanāgarī: नाग) or Nagi (f. of nāga; IAST: nāgī; Devanāgarī: नागी)[1] is a Sanskrit word which basically refers to a "serpent" or "snake", especially the King cobra

㉢Yaksha (Sanskrit: यक्ष yakṣa, Kannada: ಯಕ್ಷ yakṣa, Tamil: யகன் yakan, இயக்கன் iyakan,[1] Odia: ଯକ୍ଷ jôkhyô, Pali: yakkha)[2] are a broad class of nature-spirits, usually benevolent, but sometimes mischievous and sexually aggressive or capricious caretakers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots.[3]


㉣Gandharva is a name used for distinct heavenly beings in Hinduism and Buddhism; it is also a term for skilled singers in Indian classical music


㉤Asuras (Sanskrit: असुर) are a class of divine beings or power-seeking deities related to the more benevolent Devas (also known as Suras) in Hindu mythology.


㉥The Garuda is a legendary bird or bird-like creature in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain mythology


㉦In Hindu mythology, a kinnara is a paradigmatic lover, a celestial musician, half-human and half-horse .


㉧Mahoraga (Wyl. lto 'phye) - a class of subterranean serpents who, it is said, lie on their sides and rotate in the earth. They belong to the class of local deities or 'earth lords' (sa bdag).




즉시 관세음보살이 사부대중과 하늘 · 용 · 사람과 사람 아닌 이들을 불쌍히 여기시어 그 영락을 받으시더니, 두 몫으로 나누어 한 몫은 석가모니 부처님께 바치고 나머지 한 몫은 다보 부처님 탑에 바치었다.

Immediately, as soon as Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva got that younglak because of having a mercy on public master, sky(deva) · dragon(naga) · people and not people, she divided into two parts, first part was served to Sakyamuni Buddha and second part was served to the pagoda of Da-Bo Buddha.





『무진의야, 관세음보살은 이와 같이 자재하고 신통한 힘을 가지고 이 사바세계에 계시느니라.』

 『Moo-Jin=Ui, Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva is here in this world with the quite freely and admirable power like this.』



 이때, 무진의보살이 게송으로 여쭈었다.

 At the time, Moo-Jin-Ui Bodhisattva asked with ㉨gatha.



㉨Gatha: Verse, stanza, hymn, or a Buddhist stanza lauding the merit or the teachings of Buddha, or a short re-statement of the major points of Buddhist doctrine or the discourse of a master.

Gāthā is a Sanskrit term for "song" or "verse", especially referring to any poetic metre which is used in legends, and is not part of the Vedas but peculiar to either Epic Sanskrit or to Prakrit.