부처님 말씀

관세음보살 보문품 3-1, 3-2

그대로 그렇게 2018. 10. 25. 17:05

3장. 관세음보살에 대하여 묻다.

Chapter 3. Asking about Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhisattva.



1. 거룩한모습          두루갖춘          구족하신          세존이시여

    Holy appearance     Well-rounded     ㉠Upasampadā     Sae-Jon,



  제가다시         묻사옵나니     그어떠한    인연으로

  I will    ask     you again  how with         Any           Relations



 저불자를             관 세 음                 보살이라             부르나이까

Why we should call  that Buddhist  to   Kwan Sae Eum       Bodhisattva ?



㉠Upasampadā (Pali) literally denotes "approaching or nearing the ascetic tradition." In more common parlance it specifically refers to the rite and ritual of ascetic vetting (ordination) by which a candidate, if deemed acceptable, enters the community as upasampadān (ordained) and authorised to undertake ascetic life.[1][2]





2. 거룩한모습               두루갖춘            구족하신             세존께서

    Holy appearance      Well-rounded      Upasampadā      Sae-Jon had



 게송으로           무 진 의               보살에게           대답하시되

 Answered To Moo-Jin-Ui     Bodhisattva     With gatha             



  너는이제            관 음 의            미묘한행이            곳곳마다

  Now you should  Listen carefully about  Kwan-Eum's     Subtle behavior



  알 맞 게          응 하 여          나타남을       잘들으라

has appeared Everywhere  In response with moderately     



  그보살의                   큰서원이           깊고넓은             바다같아

   That Bodhisattva's     Big pledge is    Deep and wide    Like the sea



  헤아릴수        전혀없는       길 고 긴               오랜세월

 Never Calculable   at all    for  Long and long       Many years


천만억많은              부처님을      모 시 고                 받들면서

She(he) has supported and respected  A lot of ten billion     Buddhas     



  맑 고 도      깨끗하온       큰서원을     세웠느니라

  and made a Clear and pure big oath


  내가이제     그대위해     간략하게     말하리니

  I am now     For you      Briefly         Saying



  그이름을       듣 거 나      그모습을              보 거 나

  If  you listen to the name and see the appearance



  지 극 한      마음으로     간 절 히        생각하면

Or if you would think him(her)  with loyal        Heart         Sincerely          



  헛 되 지      아니하여      모든고통         소멸하리라

  , it won't be in vain and          All the pain    would Become extinct