
또 writing 숙제라는...

그대로 그렇게 2012. 3. 31. 13:14

레벨이 올라가면서 선생님이 바뀌었는데...

이 분은 몇주간 writing 숙제를 안 내주셨다.

엄청 편하고 좋았지만... 웬지 실력이 안 느는 느낌이 들었다.

talking도 많이 안 시키셔서 웬지 실력이 오히려 줄어드는 느낌이 들기도 하지만...

워낙 문법에 철저하셔서 좀 배우는 것도 있다.

reading과 listening 도 워낙 많이 시키셔서 부족했던 실력이 아주 쬐끔 느는 기분도 든다.

좀 마음에 안 드는게 많지만... advanced로 올라가기 전에는 그냥 꾹 참고 있어야 겠단 생각을 한다.


If I could have been homeschooled, would I have prefered that? The answer is I do not know. If I had been homeschooled, would I have gotten a better job than now?

When I went to school and after graduated school, I realized I studied a lot of unnecessary things. And many books which we used at school were written so poorly. I could not figure out many things, but my teachers did not have enough time to explain them to me, because they had to teach so many students. And when I was a child, it was so rare to be homeschooled. 

A rule and an aim of my country's government was all children who lived in this country should be taught impartiality. This aim is the same now. Most of magnate in my country have their children taught at school, although their children might be taught by private teachers after school. Many people in my country do not accept the thinking of homeschooling, but we can figure out what the homeschooling is and what the pros and cons of homeschooling are in the future.

I did not imagine my children would be homeschooled, but when I taught them in my home, sometimes I thought if I homeschooled my children, I would be sick. I am always thankful to teachers who teach my children. And I am not able to teach my children whom I do not get angry with.

It is just my opinion, and actually I do not know about if I could have been homeschooled, I would have prefered that. And it depends on my parents, I guess.  

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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