

그대로 그렇게 2012. 2. 4. 04:02

There are two sides to advertising.

Advertising is used to help us or harm us.


First, I will write how ads help.

If there were no ads, we would have to pay a lot of money to watch TV or read the newspaper.

And we wouldn't find out new products or improved products very easily.

It would be more difficult to find what I want.

So, I like ads sometimes.


Now, I'll tell you about the adverse effects of ads.

There are so many products in the world, and our desire to get new products is increased.

So, there is more trash and pollution.

We are used to buying things that we don't need.

Advertisements persuade me to buy things, because there are ads everywhere.

Sometimes, they make me go crazy.

When I use the internet, I'm so suprised by pop-up ads, usually.

I have to spend time to get back to my internet page.


So, I want you to know about the adverse effects of ads.

Your newspaper must reduce the ads a little.

Then I will buy the newspaper again.

I like your newspaper, but some ads annoy me such as alcoholic ads and cigarette ads.

I hate those.

I hope you understand.

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