
Write about a memorable meal...

그대로 그렇게 2012. 4. 9. 14:19

I am afraid of writing about my memorable meal. That's why I am going to sob while I am writing. It is a sad memory.


About four years ago, it was my birthday ceremony. Actually my birthday is on October, but that day is one day on September. Most of Korean people have their birthday of sola calendar, but I do not. My parents, my aunt, my children and I went to a vegetarian restaurant in Seoul for celebrating my birthday. It takes about one and a half hours from my house. The vegetarian restaurant was so rare in Korea, and I am a vegetarian, so we could not help going to Seoul. I should have taken my car, but I did not. We went there by the metro.

It was so great day, warm, clear and a little bit hot. The autumn is awesome in Korea. My favorite season was autumn, but it is not now. I would not forget that day forever.

After arriving that restaurant, all of  us ate lunch and talked with each other. It was so delicious and interesting. And we came back our house for one and a half hours by the metro.

Two days after my father fell down by heart attack. My father had have the hemodialysis for three years. He was admitted into a hospital, but it was so late. He never opened his eyes of brain death. He lived the only ten days by the respiratory machine in an intensive care unit and passed away.

I regretted that I went to the vegetarian restaurant with my father by the metro. I should have driven my car for him. It was so tough for him, I thought. However some people around me told me do not regret that. They said that my father gave the last happy memory to his loving daughter before passing away. I am an only daughter for him. I have two elder brothers.

If my father figured out my mind, he would be sad and worried about me. So I determined do not regret that thing. After he was gone, I went to a temple of Buddha for one hundred days every morning. Because I could not deal with my sadness. And I wanted him to go to the world of Buddha.


It was the rice with lotus leaf my father had eaten at the vegetarian restaurant. Lotus is a symbol of Buddha. I think he had gone to the world of Buddha. And some day I wish I would meet him in the world of Buddha.     

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