
My favorite dish...

그대로 그렇게 2012. 2. 27. 05:50

is a kim-bop. When I first ate the kim-bop it might be my elder-brother's picnic. In Korea, when students go to picnic, most of their mother make kim-bop for their children. Whether it's not a school picnic, they like making kim-bops or buying at a store for their picnic. There are so many kim-bop restaurants in Korea now. They sell many kinds of kim-bop.


Then, what is Kim-bop? It was made by kim. Please, don't mistake with the last name Kim. Many people's the last name is Kim in Korea. Kim is like a lavor, a seaweed paper and a dried seaweed lavor. The Kim-bop includes many vegetables, egg rolls, rice and kim. It seems like a roll or a sushi roll. When I make kim-bops, first I put salt, sesame oil and powdered sesame on rice and mix them. And I put the rice on kim. I put spinaches, carrots, pickled raddishes, egg rolls on the rice. Then I roll them carefully. Spinaches should be boiled a little in the hot water and sesoned by salt and sesame oil. Carrots should be sliced to long pieces. After we should fry the sliced carrots a little in a pan. And we can make egg rolls easily. The egg rolls typically contains the only salt. And we cut the egg rolls that length is long. We can't make pickled raddishes at home. However we can buy pickled raddishes at near the market easily. We can include many foods like a sausage, a ham, a boiled fish paste, meat, tunas, a burdock and kimchi. The burdock is delicious when we make by soy sauce, salt and sugar or honey. Many kim-bop restaurants named their kim-bop like a kimchi kim-bop, tuna kim-bop, cheese kim-bop, vegetable kim-bop... etc.


Almost all of Americans like sandwiches for their picnic, but we like packing kim-bops. I think that making sandwiches is easier than making kim-bops. Many Koreans can't digest easily of eating bread. So I like eating kim-bops better than sandwiches. And kim-bop is good for children who don't like vegetables. They can't recognize the kim-bop has many vegetables. I can't stand if I don't eat kimbops during one month. I like kim-bops so much.

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