부처님 말씀

관세음보살보문품 2-3, 2-4

그대로 그렇게 2018. 10. 18. 14:54

3. 또 범왕의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 범왕의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 제석천의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 제석천의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 자재천의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 자재천의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 대자재천의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 대자재천의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 천대장군의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 천대장군의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 비사문의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 비사문의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설해 주느니라.

And if there is a sattiva should be saved by an appearance of ㉠Brahmā, Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhaisattva soon shows her as an appearance of Brahmā, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a ㉡Śakra, then she shows her as an appearance of a Śakra, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a ㉢Jajaecheon, then she shows her as an appearance of Jajaecheon, then she preaches, if there are sattivas in one land should be saved by an appearance of ㉣shiva Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhaisattva soon shows her as an appearance of shiva, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a ㉤chundaejanggun, then she shows her as an appearance of a chundaejanggun, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a ㉥vaiśravaṇa, then she shows her as an appearance of vaiśravaṇa , then she preaches.





4. 또 작은왕의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 작은왕의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 장자의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 장자의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 거사의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 거사의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 관리나 재상의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 관리나 재상의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설하고, 바라문의 몸으로 제도할 이에게는 곧 바라문의 몸을 나타내어 법을 설해 주느니라.

And if there is a sattiva should be saved by an appearance of a small king, Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhaisattva soon shows her as an appearance of a small king, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a man of moral influence, then she shows her as an appearance of a man of moral influence, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a ㉦grihapati, then she shows her as an appearance of grihapati, then she preaches, if there are sattivas should be saved by an appearance of a government official or a premier, Kwan-Sae-Eum Bodhaisattva soon shows her as an appearance of a government official or a premier, then she preaches, and if someone should be saved by an appearance of a ㉧brahmin, then she shows her as an appearance of a brahmin, then she preaches.





㉠Brahmā is a leading god (deva) and heavenly king in Buddhism


㉡Śakra (Sanskrit: शक्र; Pali: सक्क Sakka) is the ruler of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven according to Buddhist cosmology


㉢The Heaven of Enjoyment of Emanation: The heavenly realm of desire where the inhabitants amuse themselves by emanating sense experiences.


㉣shiva (சிவன்) ;Tamil,(/ˈʃvə, ˈʃɪ-/; Devanagari: शिव, IAST: Śiva, lit. the auspicious one) is one of the principal deities of Hinduism


㉤chundaejanggun(天大將軍) : I don't know how to translate this word's meaning. But if I should translate forcibly, chun(천; 天) means sky or heaven in Korean, dae(대;大) means big , huge, great, janggun(장군;將軍) means General. maybe it means a great general of heaven.


㉥vaiśravaṇa (Sanskrit) or Vessavaṇa (Pali; Tibetan: རྣམ་ཐོས་སྲས་, Lhasa dialect IPA: Namtösé, simplified Chinese: 多闻天王; traditional Chinese: 多聞天王; pinyin: Duōwén Tiānwáng, Bishamonten (毘沙門天)), is the name of one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and is considered an important figure in Japanese Buddhism.


㉦ Gṛihapati – The smallest social formation was Gṛiha, its master being called Grihapati (IV.4.90), in whom vested the supreme authority of the family. Generally father was the Grihapati, but after him his eldest son. Sutra IV.1.164 points out that the younger brother was called yuvā, when he was under the guardianship of his elder brother as the head of the family


㉧Brahmin (/ˈbrɑːmɪn/; Sanskrit: ब्राह्मण) is a varna (class) in Hinduism specialising as priests, teachers (acharya) and protectors of sacred learning across generations.[1][2]