Human immune deficiency syndrome is also known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. This virus, which affects nearly 40 million people around the globe, attacks the immune system, rendering the body less able to fight off infections, such as pneumonia, as well as certain cancers. In the early stages of HIV, infected people are often free of symptoms and their condition is known as HIV positive without AIDS.
HIV는 질, 항문, 입이던간에 성관계로 가장 자주 퍼진다. 이는 또한 수혈, 주삿바늘공유, 혹은 모태로부터 태아로의 전이를 통해서 옮겨진다. 일단 체내에 들어가면 바이러스는 CD4 림프구로 알려진 백혈구에 대해 포위 공격을 한다. 호러 무비의 좀비처럼, HIV 의 유기체는 자신의 DNA 를 림프구에 주입하여 공격한다. 결국에 백혈구 세포들은 ― 면역계의 첫번째 방어라인을 형성하는 ― 심각하게 줄어들어 인체가 더 이상 효과적으로 바이러스와 박테리아들을 싸워 없애지 못하게 된다. 이로 인해 생명을 위협하는 일련의 감염성 질환인 AIDS 가 발생하게 되는 것이다.
Because of the virus's complicated nature, there is no cure for it. Fortunately, however, there are a number of antiretroviral drugs that inhibit the formation of HIV. These medications can extend patients' lives ― and improve the quality of their remaining years. In many cases, though, after about 20 years, the body develops a resistance to the drugs, rendering them ineffective.
HIV was first discovered in the 1980s, shortly after AIDS was identified.
Using spermicide may increase the likelihood of HIV transmission, because it may cause inflammation in the vagina that allows the virus to enter the body.
While condoms help protect against HIV, they're not foolproof.
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