
Neurosis (신경증, 노이로제)

그대로 그렇게 2019. 6. 1. 11:11

Some people have mental disorders that affect their ability to think rationally or live a normal life. Others have slight mental imbalances that cause distress and shape thier development but that don't consume them completely―call them annoying quirks or nervous habits. Though they're not as severe as psychoses (which often involve delusions and hallucinations), these quirks may still prevent people from adapting to a new environment of bettering their own lives. In the field of psychoanalysis, these tendencies are called neuroses.


일반적으로 신경적인 지속적인 부정적 감정, 즉 불안, 우울감, 분노, 당혹감 혹은 자아존중의 낮은 감각 등을 포함하는 심리적 문제의 그룹 중 하나이다. 신경증의 증상은 충동적인 행동, 무기력, 방어적, 혼란스러운 생각, 습관적 환상, 부정성과 냉소적임 등이 포함될 수 있다. 신경증을 가진 사람의 개인적인 관계는 지나치게 의존적이거나 공격적이거나 사회적 또는 문화적으로 부적절한 경우가 많다.


Scientists believe that there are hereditary conditions, including traits such as emotional instability and extremely high or low conscientiousness, that make a person more likely to develop neuroses. How well a person's upbringing and education prepares him or her for the stresses of life also plays a role. If an individual doesn't have an adequate support system, such as parents who show love and provide security, feelings of anxiety and incompleteness may begin to develop. Finally, one or more events will trigger the apprehension, anger, and defensive thinking associated with neurosis. Often the event is a situation involving personal relationships that overwhelms the person's ability to cope―an overweight teenager being repeatedly made fun of in school, for example. These situations can form lasting impressions that determine how a person views the world for the rest of his or her life.


어린 시절과 청소년기가 신경증을 앓는 가장 흔한 시기이지만, 사람들은 성인기 그리고 심지어는 인생 말년에 취약해질 수도 있다. 사랑하는 사람의 질병과 사망을 다루기 위해 혹은 자녀와 재정적인 안정을 갖기 위해 파트너와 성공적인 직장을 찾는 것에 대한 불안은 적절한 대처 메커니즘과 지원에 뿌리박혀 있지 않은 사람에게 언제든지 신경증을 유발할 수 있다.




Neuroses seem to run in families―perhaps because of genetic predisposition and also because of similar child-raising styles passed down to new generations. But not all people with neuroses will raise neurotic children, and not all neurotic people have parents with neuroses.


The term neurosis was most influentially defined by Carl Jung (1875-1961 ) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 ), but is no longer used in psychiatric diagnosis.


Neuroses can sometimes be treated or improved with talk therapy, behaviroal therapy, or antidepressant or antianxiety medications.

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