

그대로 그렇게 2015. 6. 3. 18:16

[약학] 기나()나무 껍질에서 얻는 알칼로이드(alkaloid) 하나. 황산염이나 염산염 형태 존재하며, 에는 거의 녹지 않고 매우 쓴맛 . 예전에는 해열제 강장제 따위 사용되었으나 지금 말라리아(malaria) 특효약으로만 쓰인다.

유의어 퀴닌 (quinine)


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A German physician and chemist named Samuel Hahemann (1755-1843) proposed a less-threatening approach to treating illness after reading an old herbal remedy that used cinchona bark to treat malaria. Hahnemann observed that cinchona bark, in large quantities, caused malaria-like symptoms in healthy people. The idea that smaller quantities might jump-start the immune system in those already sick became the basis of homeopathy.




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