

그대로 그렇게 2012. 5. 28. 05:04

I did not think about my bucket list. I have some desire, but if it does not be accomplished, I can not help anything, I think. When I was young ages, I have many hopes to be, or to be accomplished. As I was getting older, I felt I could not do everything what I hoped. So I had changed my mind to be satisfied my situation.


I want to travel Egypt and to see many great ancient historic site. However if I do not have a chance to travel Egypt, I will not complain about anything and blame myself. I am just going to be satisfied with reading Egyption history or watching pictures etc. I think it is a good method, because Egyption historical places such as Pyramids, Valley of the Kings and Queens, Abu Simbels Temple have damaged by the air and lots of travelers breathes. I want to see the magnificent structures with my eyes, and want to see the wall paintings of Nefertari in her tomb. She was the first queen of the Rameses Ⅱ who had built many awesome structures in ancient Egypt. Of course he was a great king. However if I do not have a chance to see the great things, it is OK. I am going to have it in my mind.


As the ancient Egyption people remained the great structures to descendants, I want to give something to my children. Whenever I took some hard things, I usually remembered my parents and Buddhas. My parents had always endured their tough lives and rasied me and my siblings until being adults. It seems to be very easy things, but it has too many hard things and lots of lures in our lives. Sometimes I felt that it was hard to live the normal lives like my parents.

And a Buddha is always my role model. When I had really tough times, I remembered Buddha. If my children grow up and when they have hard times, I want them to overcome their hard things by remerbering their parents and a Buddha such as I have been doing now. That is my legacy that I want to give to my children.

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