

그대로 그렇게 2012. 5. 22. 11:32

I had raised many dogs from when I was young. My home was a house. Nowadays there are so many apartments in Korea, they can not raise dogs easily. Someone made their dogs operate not to bark. When I was young, most of people had lived their own house with yards. So my mother had raised some chickens for eating to my father, although we lived in city.


Whenever I remembered my dogs who I raised, I usually felt sorry for them. Although I liked them very much, one dog who was so cute puppy was ran away, one dog who I loved so much was dead, one dog who usually had cried every morning was sold, one dog who I raised for eight years, and my last dog, had run away. He ran away from my home three times. First time, he had come to my house after several days on his effort. Second, I had found him. When I heard the news he ran away, I had been in deep sorrow. That time, my neighbor told me she might see a white dog on the street. As soon as I heard that news, I started to find him. I had been calling his name on the street for finding him. Eventually I found him. I can not forget that time we met with each other and we came our home happily.


However I could not find him anymore when he ran away for the third time. He disappeared my wedding day. I could know that thing when I came home after my honeymoon. If I had known that day, I would have found him enthusiastically. However my family did not mention to me about that. I was so sad. Whenever it was raining or snowing, I had been worried about him.


It might be one or two years later after losing my pet, I had dreamed about him. He was in the beautiful, sunny garden. I wanted to go to him, but I could not. Someone told me I could not go there. After awakening, I had thought he could be dead and gone to the heaven. He always gave me the love, generosity etc. He had always protected me, when I had a hard time. That time I had broken up with my boy friend, my father's business had been ruined and I had been taken a difficult time. He had been kept next to me all the time.

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