
Annual Health Exam (연간건강검진)

그대로 그렇게 2019. 5. 3. 12:46

Having annual health exams increases the likelihood of your living a long and healthy life. Annual exams are important for detecting problems before they start or when they have just begun. The earlier you identify a problem, the better your chances for treatment and a cure are.


연간건강검진을 받기위해서 가야할 가장 적합한 곳은 당신이 일상적으로 가는 의료인 혹은 의사 주로 내과전문의이다. 당신은 당신의 연령, 건강, 가족력과 다른 생활 선택지(식단, 운동, 알콜소비, 흡연 같은 것)들에 의해 검사, 백신접종 이나 다른 예방서비스 등을 받아야 한다. 어른들은 암, 뼈건강 그리고 심혈관계, 생식기계, 호흡기 그리고 정신 건강 이슈 등을 검사받아야 한다.


Recommended cancer screening for women include a Pap test at least every 3 years to check for cervical cancer and, for women ages 40 and over, a yearly mammogram to check for breast cancer. Men and women ages 50 and over should have a colonoscopy at least every 10 years to screen for colorectal cancer. For men 50 and over, an annual prostate screening is recommended.


60세가 넘어가는 어른들은 그들이 골다공증이 있는가의 여부를 결정하기 위해 골밀도 검사를 수행해야 한다.


Annual heart health exams include checking your blood pressure and cholesterol and monitoring your diet if you have high cholesterol or are at risk for heart disease or diabetes. Additionally, you may be prescribed low-dose aspirin to prevent a heart attack.


성건강검사에는 여성의 클라미디아, 임질여부 테스트를 포함한다. 위험에 처한 모든 성인들은 HIV(인간유두종바이러스) 나 매독 여부를 꼭 검사 받아야 한다.


Adults in high-risk groups should have flu shots, and men and women ages 65 and over should have pneumonia immunization and a herpes-zoster vaccination. All adults should be checked for depression.




During your annual exam, your doctor should review your health history, including previous problems you've had and whether you're taking any medications.


Children over age 2 should have an annual health examination by a pediatrician. The checkup should include monitoring growth patterns and blood pressure, performing a complete blood count, administering immunizations, and possibly checking cholesterol. Children under 2 should have regular checkups more frequently, as recommended by their pediatricians. Female children who are sexually active should have a Pap test.