
Salpingo-Oophoritis (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) 자궁관난소염(골반내염증질환)

그대로 그렇게 2019. 5. 1. 12:31

In modern medicine, salpingo-oophoritis, or pelvic inflammatory disease(PID), has become a widespread problem. Caught early on this infection of the fallopian tubes and adjacent pelvic organs is easily wiped out with a course of antibiotics. PID strikes an estimated 1 million women in the United States every year, leaving 100,000 women infertile and causing a large percentage of ectopic pregnancies.


PID는 박테리아가 질과 자궁경부로 부터 올라와 다른 생식기관을 침범할 때 발생한다. 비록 다양한 박테리아가 PID 를 초래할 수 있지만, 성병감염(STIs)인 임질과 클라미디아가 최고 원인 중 둘이다. 25세 이하의 여성들은 대부분 PID 로 진단되어진다. 남성들이 박테리아를 옮겨서 감염되었을 때 요도염으로 고생할 수 있으며, 요도방광의 증상과 배뇨시 불타는 느낌을 동반할 수 있다. 그러나 증상이 없을 수도 있거나 혹은 그것들이 오직 몇일정도 지속되다가 치료가 되지 않을 수도 있다. 드물게 요도흉터만 남을 수 있다.


PID often goes unnoticed, both by women and by their doctors. That's because symptoms, such as odor, painful urination or intercourse, and irregular bleeding, can be mild to nonexistent. The symptoms often subside without treatment, and if a woman fails to report them, the disease remains untreated but may still progress. When left untreated, the infection attacks the reproductive organs, causing damage and leaving behind scar tissue. If this tissue harms the fallopian tubes, it can render a woman infertile. To protect against PID, doctors recommend that sexually active women get tested for STIs frequently and always use condoms.




Women who have a PID episode are at greater risk for developing the disease again.


Chronic pelvic pain is one red flag for PID.


Having multiple sex partners increases the risk of PID.

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