
Adrenogenital Syndrome(부신 성기 증후군)

그대로 그렇게 2018. 11. 8. 16:22

Adrenal Gland -- Releasing male sex and steroid hormone, such as cortisol. But, for about 1 in 10,000 people, a recessive genetic disorder causes these glands to go out of whack.


이때, 부신에서 cortisol 같은 corticosteroids의 생산이 저하되고, androgen hormones (particularly androstenedione and other 17-ketosteroids)이 혈액속으로 들어가게 되었을 때 남자한테는 큰 변화를 주지 않지만,


But, for women, it can create and entire gender shift during the first decade of their lives or can lead to menstural disorders and infertility when if appears after puberty in some women.


These girls look like boys on the outside and are sometimes raised as male if the diagnosis is missed.


In adult woman, this can lead to other masculine attributes, such as a failure to menstruate, a deep voice and excessive hair growth.


If you've ever seen a sideshow act with a bearded lady, chances are that you've just witnessed someone with adrenogenital syndrome.



Adrenogenital syndrome is most often caused by a genetic defect that lowers the levels of the enzyme 21-hydroxylase, which in turn slows corticosteroid production in the adrenal glands.


This condition is more common in Ashkenazi Jews, Italians, Latinos, and certain Eastern Europeans.

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