
Cerebral Aneurysm(뇌동맥류)

그대로 그렇게 2018. 11. 7. 11:40

뇌동맥이 이상하게 부풀거나 동맥벽이 얇아지거나 위험할 정도로 커진 상태를 말함. 이렇게 부풀어진 뇌동맥은 파열되거나 새서 brain으로 피를 흘려 놓을 수가 있슴.


About 27,000 cases of ruptured cerebral aneurysms are reported each year in the United States, usually between the ages of 30 and 60.


Cerebral aneurysms can be caused by--------------> ①Infections,


                                                                                    ③Trauma to the head,

                                                                                    ④Unhealthy arteries due to plaque buildup,

                                                                                    ⑤High blood pressure.


Aneurysms are common ; millions of people have them, and most never burst.


When an aneyrysm does burst --------------------> may cause a Stroke, Nerve damage, Death.


 For people who experience a burst aneurysm, it may feel like " the worst headache of my life."


High blood pressure, Cigarette smoking, Heavy alcohol use, Drug abuse(particularly the use of cocaine)===> Increase a person's risk of the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm.


비록 동맥류가 파열되지 않더라도 몇몇 사람들에게 심각한 문제를 유발시키기도 하는데, 어떤 사람들은 Eye pain, Facial paralysis, Vision problems 를 생기게 하기도 한다.


 Aneurysms can be detected with a CT scan or MRI, and treatment options vary depending on their size and location. If the aneurysm is small and located in a low-risk area of the brain, doctors may simply leave it there.


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