In the 2002 book Electroboy : A memoir of Mania, author Andy Behrman describes "the most perfect prescription glasses with which to see the world... life appears in front of you like an oversized movie screen. "Behrman suffers from bipolar disorder, a condition in which people cycle between extreme highs called mania and extreme depressive lows. He adds, "When I'm manic, I'm so awake and alert that my eyelashes fluttering on the pillow sound like thunder."
2002 년 책 Electroboy : Mania의 회고록, 저자 Andy Behrman은 "세상을 볼 수있는 가장 완벽한 처방전 안경 ... 삶은 커다란 영화 스크린처럼 당신 앞에 나타납니다."Behrman은 양극성 장애로 고통받습니다. 사람들이 조증이라고하는 극한의 최고점과 극심한 우울한 최저점 사이에서 순환하는 상태. 그는 "내가 조증 일 때 너무 깨어서 속눈썹이 천둥 소리처럼 베개 소리에 펄럭 거린다"고 덧붙였다.
The word mania comes from the Greek mainomai, meaning "to rage" or "to be furious." Mania is most commonly associated with bipolar disorder and can vary in intensity from periods of mild happiness (known as hypomania) to extreme euphoria. This may not sound likesuch a bad thing, but the other symptoms that accompany a manic episode, such as hypersensitivity, loss of concentration, and extreme risk taking, can make mania a scary and unpleasant experience.
매니아라는 단어는 그리스의 주마에서 유래 한 것으로 "분노하다"또는 "분노하다"를 의미합니다. 매니아는 가장 일반적으로 양극성 장애와 관련이 있으며 가벼운 행복 (저 혈증으로 알려진) 기간부터 극도의 행복감에 이르기까지 강도가 다양 할 수 있습니다. 이것은 나쁜 일처럼 들리지는 않지만 과민증, 집중력 상실 및 극심한 위험 감수와 같은 조증 에피소드와 함께 나타나는 다른 증상은 조증을 무섭고 불쾌한 경험으로 만들 수 있습니다.
People experiencing mania may speak rapidly, have racing thoughts, and have an elevated sex drive. Severe episodes of mania can also be accompanied by symptoms of psychosis, including hallucinations and delusions of grandeur. When an elevated mood is accompanied by three of these symptoms for most of the day, every day, for a week or more, it is considered a manic episode.
조증을 겪는 사람들은 빠르게 말하고, 생각을 경주하며, 성욕이 높아질 수 있습니다. 조증의 환각과 망상을 포함한 정신병 증상이 동반 될 수 있습니다. 높은 기분이 하루 중 대부분, 매일, 일주일 이상 이러한 증상 중 세 가지를 동반하면 조증 에피소드로 간주됩니다
During manic episodes, people may feel full of energy and ideas They may perform creative tasks such as writing, drawing, or painting for hours on end and feel that they're "in the zone". But they also might be irritable, aggressive, and easily distracted. They may become argumentative or take impulsive actions such as going on spending sprees, giving away money, driving too fast, or abusing drugs or alcohol.
People with bipolar disorder who are incorrectly diagnosed with depression and given antidepressant medications are at risk for manic states. Instead, mood-stabilizing medications such as lithium and valproate should be used to keep patients stable.
Mania and hypomania have been associated with creative talent, and it is hypothesized that Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), and other famous artists, writers, and composers had mental disorders and did much of their work during manic episodes.
The TV journalist Jane Pauley (1950-) was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 50; she has said that during her first manic episode, she "enjoyed a few weeks of high-octane creativity and confidence, but after that, it was just an idling engine on overdrive."
A deficiency of the vitamin B12 may also cause symptoms of mania.
비타민 B12 결핍은 또한 조증 증상을 유발할 수 있습니다
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