
Ectopic Pregnancy (자궁외 임신)

그대로 그렇게 2019. 5. 24. 12:36

By now, you're well versed in the reproductive precess: The egg is fertilized in a fallopian tube and the resulting embryo attaches to the uterine wall, where it grows into a fetus. But in about 2 to 10 percent of cases, something goes awry and the egg implants outside the uterus. This is called an ectopic pregnancy. The vast majority of the time, it occurs inside one of the fallopian tubes, but the embryo can also take root in an ovary, the cervix, or the abdominal cavity.


자궁외 임신은 배아가 난관 아래로의 배아의 이동을 늦추거나 막아 벽에 이식하는 시간을 주는 조건으로 인해 발생한다. 거의 절반가량의 경우에 나팔관들의 염증, 난관염, 골반내 염증질환, 자궁, 나팔관, 혹은 난소의 염증이라 불리는 질환들에 기여한다. 자궁내막증(자궁 조직이 자궁 밖에서 자라는 상태), 성병인 임질, 클라미디아증과 보조적인 에스트로겐과 프로게스테론 (불임치료, 피임약들, 혹은 성교후피임약으로부터)이 또한 잠재적인 원인이기도 하다.


For the first few weeks, a woman may believe that she has a normal pregnancy―she'll develop the same missed periods, nausea, and fatigue. But other symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, and cramping on one side of the pelvis. Since an embryo can't grow and develop normally in a fallopian tube, which is a medical emergency. Today, most ectopic pregnancies are diagnosed early by sonograms, well before they rupture. They can be treated with the drug methotrexate or by laparoscopic surgery to destroy or remove the embryo.



In some cases, a woman can become pregnant after having her tubes tied. If the procedure fails and she becomes pregnant, chances are it will be an ectopic pregnancy.


If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, the risk that she'll have another is higher.


Ectopic pregnancies are known as tubal pregnancies, because more than 90 percent occur in the fallopian tubes.


In Greek, the word ectopic means "out of palce."

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