
Bulimia (식욕이상항진증, 과식증)

그대로 그렇게 2019. 5. 20. 16:11

The word bulimia is derived from the Greek words for "ox" and "hunger". That's because people who suffer from this eating disorder often binge, or consume large amounts of food in a short period of time. They them attempt to rid themselves of the excess calories in an unhealthy manner, such as by vomiting or abusing laxatives.


식욕부진 및 기타 섭식장애와 마찬가지로, 이 정신질환은 청소년 및 젊은 여자에게 가장 흔하게 발생하며 자아 이미지 장애 및 통제 욕구와 얽혀 있다. 과식증을 갖고 있는 사람들은 자주 대부분의 음식 섭취를 제한한 다음 배출하기 전에 불편할 시점까지 먹는데―몇천 칼로리를 한번에 먹는다. 이 장애로 고통받고 있는 대부분의 사람들은 중독증상을 갖고 있는데―음식과 관련된 것이다. 전형적인 과식증의 행동들은 음식에 욕심을 부린 다음 섭식 후 바로 화장실에 가는 것을 포함하며, 전형적인 증상은 더부룩함, 피로감, 쇠약한 느낌, 탈수증, 변비와 손상된 치아 등이 포함된다.


Bulimia can also cause long-term health problems. Excessive vomiting can tear or ruptur the esophagus. It can also result in an irregular heatbeat, low blood pressure, and, in severe cases, death. What's more, bulimia is often linked to depression and feelings of shame. Because people with bulimia can have a normal body weight, the illness is not detected as easily as anorexia. That's one reason only 6 percent of sufferers receive the proper psychological treatment. To help people recover, experts recommend they undergo psychotherapy or other counseling.




In ancient Rome, wealthy men would induce vomiting at lavish banquets so they could continue eating.


People who are often on diets are 18 times more likely to develop an eating disorder.

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