
Black Cohosh (승마)

그대로 그렇게 2018. 12. 24. 18:22

Black cohosh, also known as both Actaea racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa, is a member of the buttercup family(미나리아재비과) that is used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. Preparations of black cohosh are made from its roots and underground stems, called rhizomes.


Black cohoshs 는 아메리칸 인디언들에게 광범위하게 사용되어져 왔으며 특히 herb macrotys 라고 하는 대체의학을 하는 그룹에 의해 19 세기의 미국에 크게 유행하였다. 이 그룹은 Black cohosh를 종종 여자들의 생식기관에 관련된 생리증후군을 비롯하여 자궁과 난소의 염증, 불임, 출산통 및 출산후 합병증 등에 처방하였다.


Scientists aren't sure how black cohosh might work. It's possible that its active compounds, such as fukinolic acid, work like the female hormone estrogen―although studies in this area have been contradictory. Women who have reached menopause generally have lower levels of estrogen in their bodies, and this can contribute to symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and vaginal dryness. Most reports on the benefits of black cohosh emphasize relief from hot flashes and mood swings.


In 2001, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology issued a statement that black cohosh, when taken for 6 months or less, may be helpful for women with menopause symptoms. Although preliminary research is encouraging, few studies have been placebo controlled and dosage has been inconsistent, so no official recommendation has been made by any government health organization.


Black cohosh 는 비록 그것이 두통, 위불편감, 다리가 무거운 느낌 등등을 유발할 수 있지만, 지시된 사항 대로 복용했을 때는 안전한 것으로 나타났다. (매우 적은 퍼센티지의 사람들에게서 간 손상이 보고 되기도 했다.) 허브는 주로 오랜 기간동안 사용되어지진 않지만, 그러나 연구에 의하면 여자들은 보통 6개월 정도 복용해도 괜찮다고 한다. 만약 임신한 상태거나 유방암 혹은 간장애가 있는 여자들은 의사와 상의하지 않고, black cohosh를 섭취하면 안된다.


Other common names for black cohosh include black snakeroot, bugbane,  bugwort, rattleroot, rattletop, and rattleweed. Insects tend to avoid it, which accounts for some of these names.


One widely used commercial brand of black cohosh is a tablet called Remifemin. Other preparations, such as solutions that mix black cohosh extract with alcohol, have been less well studied.


Black cohosh should not be confused with blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), a nicotine-like herb also used to treat menstrual and gynecological problems that also has not been thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety.

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