
Skin Cancer (피부암)

그대로 그렇게 2018. 11. 26. 14:21

Skin caner affects more than 1 million Americans every year; most-but not all-cases are considered to be sun related.


There are three main forms of the disease.


①The mose common kind, basal cell carcinoma(기저세포암), usually appears as a pearly, round, reddish bump or a scarlike lesion. Curable 99 percent of the time.


②If the bump is firm and red of if the lesion has a scaly, crusty surface, it's probaly a squamous cell carcinoma(편평상피세포암). This cancer may grow and spread rapidly, but it's readily curable if diagnosed early. (Only 1 percent of squamous cell  carcinomas are deadly.)


③The most serious type of skin cancer is melanoma(흑색종), which affects nearly 60,000 people each year. Compared with the other kinds, melanoma spreads more rapidly and is more resistant to treatment, such as chemotherapy. This cancer affects the melanocytes, pigment-producing cells in the skin, and appears as a flat, brown patch with uneven edges; a black or gray lump; or a raised brown patch with spots.


Experts recommend that all people know the ABCDEs of the disease.


Look for moles that are...

A : Asymmetrical(비대칭) in shape

B : have Blurry(흐릿한) or jagged(들쭉날쭉한) borders

C : become lighter or darker in Color

D : are larger than 1/4 inch in Diameter

C : and/or are Evolving, that is, changes, or raise above the skin's surface.




 Because the sun's rays are strongest from 10 : 00 a.m. to 4 : 00 p.m., the American Cancer Society recommends staying in the shade as much as possible during those hours.


 Up to 80 percent of UV radiation through clouds, so sunscreen is needed even on gray, drizzly days.