제인 그레이

The Fall From Grace

그대로 그렇게 2008. 11. 11. 11:04

The Fall From Grace

Queen Mary, signing the death warrant for Lady Jane Grey.

As Mary declared herself Queen, Jane remained secluded in the state apartments with her ladies in waiting until the evening of July 19th. Then she was moved to the rooms above the Deputy-Lieutenant's, Thomas Brydges where she stayed for an unknown time before finally being moved to a house on the Green.

It should also be noted that while Jane was a prisoner, she was not kept in a deep, dark cell or fed only bread and water. Records show that she was allowed to walk in the Queen's Garden and on the hill within the Tower precincts. Three women attended to her, one of who was her nurse from early childhood. In addition she also had two waiting-maids and a lad in her suite. She was also given an allowance that was considered very handsome for the day and should have more than kept her in comfort.

On the 20th of July, the Marquis of Winchester, Lord High Treasurer, came to Jane and told her that some of the Crown Jewels were missing and asked her to return them. Jane told him she had returned all that had been given her. He demanded she make amends for the missing items, regardless, so Jane gave up all the coin and valuable she had in an attempt to do so.

On July 27th, Jane's father was arrested for treason and imprisoned. Upon hearing this, Jane's mother directly appealed to Queen Mary for the pardon of her husband. It is interesting to note that Jane's mother apparently made no such effort to help Jane.

(This section is not complete. Please be patient, I am getting this site up as quickly as possible. Check out the links section for other sites with more details!)


This page last revised on 7-25-03. Maintained by Jane Lambert
Copyright 2003.

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