

그대로 그렇게 2018. 11. 22. 18:12

Alcohol is made by fermenting of yeast, sugars, or starches.


Drinking in moderation is generally defined as no more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men.

This definition refers to the amount consumed on a single day only and should not be used not be used to average the number of drinks over a few days.


Alcohol is central nervous system depressant. 알콜은 일단 위와 소장에 빠르게 흡수되어 혈류를 타고 간에서 효소에 의해 분해된다. 간은 한번에 아주 작은 양의 알콜만을 대사화(화학분해)하기 때문에, 여분의 알콜은 몸 전체를 순환하게 된다. 당신이 더 많은 양의 알콜을 섭취할 수록 당신은 점점 더 취해지는 것이다.


There is no doubt that too much drinking is bad for you. Alcohol use slows reaction time and weakens your judgement and coordination, which is why you should never drink alcohol and drive.


Heavy drinking over years can lead to liver disease, heart disease, cancer, and pancreatitis. Drinking alcohol affects every organ in your body.


Some people should never drink, such as alcoholics, children, pregnant women, people taking certain medications, and people with certain medical conditions.

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