
Green Tea (녹차)

그대로 그렇게 2018. 12. 15. 13:02

For as long as 5,000 years, people have consumed tea leaves steeped in boiling water. But tea―and green tea, especially―is much more than just a beverage : Studies suggest that it may aid in weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels, and even help treat or prevent cancer.


Green tea is made from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, as white, black, and oolong teas.


    The difference is in the processing :

         ▶Green and white teas are made from unfermented leaves and contain the highest concentrations of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant. (Herbal and rooibos teas aren't really teas at all, but are made from different mixtures of plants.)

         ▶One of the most powerful antioxidants in green tea is called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG.

         ▶Tea also contains caffeine (although white and green teas have two to three times less than black, and all teas have significantly less caffeine than an equal serving of coffee), which contributes to its ability to improve alertness.


전통적으로 중국, 인도의 차들은 그 특성으로 각성제, 이뇨제로써만 가치를 매겨왔는데, 현대의학에서는 녹차가 정신 작용에도 기여한다는 걸 보여줬다. 리서치에 따르면 또한 녹차가 몇몇 암들 혹은 양성 피부종양들의 성장을 느리게 하며; 대사과정을 증진시키고 지방을 태우는데 도움을 주며; 관절염, 크론병, 궤양성 대장염과 관련된 염증을 가라앉힌다고 한다.


대부분의 연구에서 하루에 1잔에서 10잔까지 정도의 양은 이 정도 양에 익숙해져 있는 대부분의 성인들에게는 괜찮다. 그러나 혈액을 묽게 하는 약을 복용하는 사람들에게 녹차에 있는 Vitamin K가 그들의 치료를 덜 효과적이게 할 수 있다는 걸 찾아내었다. 캡슐형식으로 되어 압축된 형태의 그린티를 복용하는 사람들에게 있어서 몇몇에 간에 문제가 생기기도 했다는 보고도 있다.


It is suspected (but not proven) that green tea and EGCG may help protect against sun damage, so they are now popular ingredients in sunscreens and other skin-care products.


Early research using a green tea combination product was thought to have shown some success in helping women conceive, although more research on green tea alone needs to be done.


When sold as a beverage, green tea is often classfied by the region in which it was grown. The most expensive varieties from southwest China can cost up to $150 a pound.