
Acne (여드름)

그대로 그렇게 2018. 12. 3. 13:50

Every year, Americans spend more than $100 million on over-the-counter(처방전없이 살 수 있는) products to treat acne.


Acne occurs when hair follicles, the openings in which hairs grow, become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.


The severity of acne depends on how deeply a follicle becomes clogged.


Acne is often brought on by the increased levels of hormones, such as testosterone, that are generated during puberty. Theses hormones cause the skin to release excess sebum. Exposure to oily substances, such as cosmetics or heavy lotions, may also increase risk.


For mild cases, over-the-counter topical treatments that kill bacteria and dry up oil are effective. More serious cases may be treated with antibiotics (to kill bacteria) and, for women, oral contraceptive (to regulate hormones). Newer therapies include isotretinoin, laser treatments, and ultraviolet light therapy.


Acne often runs in families, if your parents had acne, it's likely that you'll have it as well.


Contrary to popular belief, what you eat doesn't increase the likelihood of developing pimples.


Washing your face too frequently with harsh cleansers may actually set the stage for acne.

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